Packaging: AAR
Name: apk-app-theme
Developer: dbh4ck
Description: APK Theme Changer Library
License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Version: 1.0
Support: Android API 14 or above
Download: available offline(.aar file) Download Here & can be compiled Online with Gradle (2.3 or higher) via jcenter repo.
Year: 2017
Details: A Simple Android AAR Library for the Support of Multi-Theming in Android Applications enhanching users to customize their apps as per the requirements of UI Designing. This Library contains a Dialog Fragment which popup from the bottom screen of the app & let you choose which color theme you want to apply to your apk. Total available themes are 20 by default which can further be modified and used as per the requirements.
How to IMPORT this Library in your android project?
METHOD 1: Download Library as AAR And Import it in your project as per following steps in order.
In order to import a .aar library:
Step 1: Open Android Studio, Go to File > New > New Module. Select "Import .JAR/.AAR Package" and click next.
Step 2: Enter the path to .aar file and click finish.
Step 3: Go to File > Project Structure (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S). Under "Modules," in left menu, select "app"
Step 4: Go to "Dependencies" tab. Click the green "+" in the upper right corner.
Step 5: Select "Module Dependency" Select the new module from the list and click ok. Youre done importing this library succesfully in your project.
METHOD 2: This Method involve online downloading & compiling library by Gradle using your project's default (jcenter) repositories
Step 1: Go to app-level build.gradle file and add following dependency:
// app-level build.gradle
dependencies {
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
androidTestCompile('', {
exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile 'com.dbh4ck:dbtheme:1.0' // This is our APK Theme Changer Library
Step 2: Hit "Sync Now" and you're done compiling this Library from my maven repo.
How to USE this Library:
After importing, now you can use this Library in your Activities as follow:
Step 1:
dbThemeDialog dialog = dbThemeDialog.newInstance(); // Create the new Instance of Dialog in an onCreate Method of your Activity, "dialog"); // Show the DialogFragment
Step 2:
Extend your "AppCompatActivity" to BaseActivity of this Library. (Dont Forget to make onCreate method as Public if you got error while building your project)
Open Android Studio >> Create New Project >> Create New Class named BaseActivity and extends it as AppCompatActivity as shown below. Paste following Code :
Create another class Utility to get the last saved Theme value Paste the code shown under:
Create a DialogFragment which will display list of colors for users to select and apply the selected color theme to the app